3 Things to Do

 "Proclaiming this gospel to rebellious mankind can, of course, seem foolish at times. We can be overwhelmed by the difficulty and the size of the task. Yet, thankfully, God has given us only three things to do and then our responsibility is closed.
  • The first is to preach the gospel as clearly as possible, answering all questions as clearly as we can to present the truth about the universe, man, and our dilemma.
  • The second is to pray for each individual who hears it.
  • And the third is, by the grace of God, through faith in the finished work of Christ, to live a life that in some poor fashion will commend the gospel we have preached. 
When we have done these three things with compassion, amid this world that has turned away from God and is totally dark and vain, some of them will respond."  Francis A. Schaeffer, The Finished Work of Christ, 37. 

Sermon Notes: Sunday, April 10

Text: Rev 14:6-20

Big Idea: God's Judgement Is Coming

Summary: God’s judgment is coming to the earth (vv.6-7). It brings overwhelming destruction (v.8), and consists of God’s undiluted wrath (vv.9-11). God's judgment will come: the time is set (vv.14-16)  . . . with violent destruction beyond anything you dare to imagine (vv.17-20).

How does this message affect us? 

  • We try to change God: "Let's just talk about the love of God and forget all this talk about judgment and wrath and hell.
  • We try to convince ourselves it's not real, not true.
The Good News that leads us to adore and rejoice in Christ: 

  • God’s judgment is coming: it brings overwhelming destruction, consists of God’s undiluted wrath, & it will take place  . . . violent destruction beyond anything you dare to imagine 
  • and so Jesus entered wrath & judgment because he would rather go through hell than live forever without you.
    • "The Judge of the earth came not to bring judgment but to bear judgment and go to hell for us." Tim Keller
    • The Son of God took the cup of God's wrath from us  . . . by willing taking the cup and drinking it to the dregs at the cross so that you never have to taste the undiluted strength of God's anger against your sin.